Winter Recital
The Winter Recital is a performance opportunity for students of any age, instrument or level. Seasonal music is appropriate but not required.
Parents of the performers are requested to provide a plate of refreshments for the reception following the recital. |
GMTA teachers may submit one or two solo or ensemble entries, with a maximum combined time of 8 minutes per studio. GMTA members may present ensembles that include students of non-GMTA members. A $20 per student surcharge will be assessed to non-member teachers in addition to the regular entry fee. Students may participate in more than one ensemble without an additional entry fee. Accompanists for soloists are exempt from entry fees. Please complete and submit student entry information in the form below. Use electronic payment options on the bottom of the page or mail entry fees of $10 per solo entry and $12 per ensemble entry (check payable to GMTA) to Rebecca Micha. Recital fees will NOT be accepted at the recital. |
Payment below using PayPal (don't have to have a PayPal account)